Wednesday, March 12, 2014


How is your individual education important to yourself, your local community, and the world?

My education means the world to me. As I sit back and write this post, I think about my parents and where they have come from. Being first generation American, it comes with a tremendous amount of pressure. I feel as if I need to succeed as far as education goes. It's also extremely important to me due to the fact that I think education is the most valuable quality in life. I wish that CPS didn't value grades more than learning so I can focus more on learning new things rather than my grades. Now almost all of my effort is on my grades rather than my knowledge. But even so, my education is truly important to me.

I put my local community with the world in this answer. I feel as if my education is important to the world because everyone should think highly of their education. If everyone values their education highly then the world is a much more competitive and educated place to live in. Sure not everyone does, but most people do and that is why the world is running the way it is, because there is an enormous population who values their education. So my individual education would just add to the world being a much better place to live in. Education causes fear, and fear causes hard work in my eyes. Because if someone is much more educated than you, you know that you have to work hard to get to that place so you don't have to worry about anything on an economic level.       

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Blog 2

If Victor would have welcomed his creation he wouldn't have turned into this creature that we all know as this evil villain within the story. All the creature knew about in his time on Earth was this role of survival. Survival was his first and last instinct. This creature didn't have the advantage of being a baby then becoming a teenager then becoming an adult due to the act that he had no mother to begin with. If he was pampered in his earlier years and knew this idea of love, he wouldn’t be a “creature” in a sense. He would have more than 5 senses. But instead he was abandoned in the earlier parts of his life so he had to adjust to this role of surviving rather than having someone else focus on surviving for him. In the book the creature wants Victor to know where he’s coming from in this situation. He wants Victor to accept him for who he is and what he had to do. Victor would have to face problems that were more internal than external. He would have to worry about what people thought of him. He would have had to worry about what people thought of the creature Victor created. Would Victor be ashamed with walking around with a creature such as the one he has created? I think that due to the fact that he abandoned this creature, he became the creature that we all fear due to his obstacles in his lifetime.  

Monday, February 3, 2014

I chose the one that said, "There are boundaries that science should not cross."  I full heartedly disagree with this statement. I feel as if science is meant to push all boundaries included within mankind.
The exact definition of Science is "a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe." Science is meant to discover new things about the universe. Science does and has done a lot of positive things for the world. Imagine where we would be without this idea of Science. When cavemen learned how to make fire it allowed us to create things with fire. This process of testing and predictions cavemen went through to make fire is called Science.
Science has only been a positive thing in every generation humans have existed.  Sure it has its detractors and I understand where they're coming from but Science hasn't been the cause of all the negative things Science has been blamed for. Nuclear bomb droppings weren't dropped because of Science but because of choice. In a rap song named I Gave You Power  by a legend named Nas, he raps from a perspective of a gun. A gun which is an inanimate object with no feelings and he somehow gives it strength, sadness, and guilt. And the guilt kicks in with this line, "They use me wrong so I sing this song til this day." In this line "me" is the gun and "they" are the owners of the gun. I tried connecting this line to this idea of choice. That the reason the gun is considered evil is because of the person's choice to use it in a evil way.
Science is an incredible gift that was given to us and we have used it to be able to do many tremendous things which is why I disagree with the statement, but I do agree with the concept of the idea.