Monday, February 3, 2014

I chose the one that said, "There are boundaries that science should not cross."  I full heartedly disagree with this statement. I feel as if science is meant to push all boundaries included within mankind.
The exact definition of Science is "a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe." Science is meant to discover new things about the universe. Science does and has done a lot of positive things for the world. Imagine where we would be without this idea of Science. When cavemen learned how to make fire it allowed us to create things with fire. This process of testing and predictions cavemen went through to make fire is called Science.
Science has only been a positive thing in every generation humans have existed.  Sure it has its detractors and I understand where they're coming from but Science hasn't been the cause of all the negative things Science has been blamed for. Nuclear bomb droppings weren't dropped because of Science but because of choice. In a rap song named I Gave You Power  by a legend named Nas, he raps from a perspective of a gun. A gun which is an inanimate object with no feelings and he somehow gives it strength, sadness, and guilt. And the guilt kicks in with this line, "They use me wrong so I sing this song til this day." In this line "me" is the gun and "they" are the owners of the gun. I tried connecting this line to this idea of choice. That the reason the gun is considered evil is because of the person's choice to use it in a evil way.
Science is an incredible gift that was given to us and we have used it to be able to do many tremendous things which is why I disagree with the statement, but I do agree with the concept of the idea.


  1. Coincidentally, I did the same question and I said I do agree.
    Yes Science is used to test and prove things.
    Science has brought us many good things, like antibiotics. But with the antibiotics, it has also brought on other diseases. The viruses and bacteria have evolved and become stronger and immune even to some antibiotics. Yes, we require Science to find new antibiotics and new medicine, but as we do, the viruses and bacteria will continue to evolve.

    And there are just somethings you shouldn't do.
    Say attaching body parts of dead people together and sending a current through the dead body parts as to see if electricity has any effect.

  2. I did the same topic as you and i said i agree. The reason for that is that i believe that life and death is a boundary that shouldn't be crossed, but that's just my opinion. The way you used the definition of science was clever though.
